Scientific articles
NJ Brito e Silva, FCM Brito, HTMCM Baltar, JL Magalhães, VGF Viana, FEP Santos, HA Garcia. Third- and fifth-order optical nonlinearities of norbixin, Results in Optics, 6, p. 100205, 2022.
AS Reyna, HTMCM Baltar, E Bergmann, AM Amaral, EL Falcão-Filho, P-F Brevet, BA Malomed, CB de Araújo. Observation and analysis of creation, decay, and regeneration of annular soliton clusters in a lossy cubic-quintic optical medium, Physical Review A, 102, p. 033523, 2020.
HTMCM Baltar, K Drowdowicz-Tomsia, EM Goldys. Plasmonic properties of periodic arrays of Ag nanocylinders and dimers, and the effects of an underlying Ag layer, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (38), pp. 22083–22093, 2018.
M Maldonado, HTMCM Baltar, ASL Gomes, R Vaia, K Park, J Che, M Hsiao, CB de Araújo, A Baev, PN Prasad. Coupled plasmon-induced optical nonlinearities in anisotropic arrays of gold nanorod clusters supported in a polymeric film, Journal of Applied Physics, 121 (14), p. 143103, 2017.
B Can-Uc, R Rangel-Rojo, A Peña-Ramírez, CB de Araújo, HTMCM Baltar, A Crespo-Sosa, ML Garcia-Betancourt, A Oliver. Nonlinear optical response of platinum nanoparticles and platinum ions embedded in sapphire, Optics Express, 24 (9), p. 9955-9965, 2016.
W Deng, F Xie, HTMCM Baltar, EM Goldys. Metal-enhanced fluorescence in life sciences: here, now and beyond, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, pp. 15695-15708, 2013.
K Drowdowicz-Tomsia, HTMCM Baltar, EM Goldys. Dense two-dimensional silver single and double nanoparticle arrays with plasmonic response in wide spectral range, Lagmuir, 28 (24), pp. 9071-81, 2012.
P Butterworth, HTMCM Baltar, M Kratzmeier, EM Goldys. Simple bead assay for detection of live bacteria (Escherichia coli), Analytical Chemistry, 83 (4), pp. 1443-7, 2011.
Book chapters
HTMCM Baltar, K Drozdowicz-Tomsia, EM Goldys. Propagating surface plasmons and dispersion relations for nanoscale multilayer metallic-dielectric films. In: Plasmonics – principles and applications, 2012, Intech.
P Butterworth, HTMCM Baltar, M Kratzmeier, EM Goldys. Detection of specific strains of viable bacterial pathogens by using RNA bead assays and flow cytometry with 2100 Bioanalyzer. In: Methods in molecular biology, v. 875: spectroscopic methods of analysis, Humana Press, 2012.
Conference papers
HTMCM Baltar, S Carreña, C Manzoni, LJQ Maia, AM de Paula, CB de Araújo, EL Falcão-Filho. Optical parametric amplification in a random medium: BBO nanopowder. CLEO/Europe, 2017.
ME Maldonado, HTMCM Baltar, ASL Gomes, CB de Araújo, K Park, RA Vaia, PN Prasad. Plasmonically enhanced optical nonlinearities in anisotropic arrays of gold nanorods supported in polymeric film. Latin American Optics and Photonics Conference, 2016.
HTMCM Baltar, K Drozdowicz-Tomsia, EM Goldys. Array of silver nanocylinders: plasmonic properties, the effects of a close silver layer and fluorescence enhancement. NanoPorTugal International Conference, 2014.
HTMCM Baltar, K Drozdowicz-Tomsia, EM Goldys. Tuning resonant modes in a plasmonic array of nanocylinders by a mirror. Proceedings of the International Quantum Electronics Conference and Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Optical Society, 2011.
HTMCM Baltar. Fluorescence enhancement in the vicinity of metallic nanostructures. PhD thesis, 2014.
HTMCM Baltar. Development of a biparametric flow cytometer (in Portuguese). MSc thesis, 2008.